Mr Nick’s Signature Products

The Mediterranean diet of Ikaria, the Greek Island home of Mr Nick, inspires the food philosophy at Adelaide’s finest supermarkets. This way of eating is the secret behind the Ikarians’ good health and longevity and Mr Nick is living proof.

Exclusive to Adelaide’s Finest Supermarkets

  1. Olive Oil: Mr Nick’s extra virgin olive oils are made exclusively for AFS with 100% South Australian olives. The Kalamata oil has a tropical freshness and the Koroneiki oil is robust with herbaceous tones.
  2. Tomatoes: We are delighted to introduce our own Mr Nick’s locally grown tomato varieties, ripe and full of old fashioned flavour. Enjoy Pomodoro Di Nero, Heritage, Heirloom (yellow) and Summer Ripe tomatoes.
  3. Deli Treats: Select from marinated olives made using an authentic Greek recipe. Homestyle tzatziki and taramasalata, artichokes, marinated mushrooms and golden peppers. Pickled octopus and pickled calamari get the thumbs up from Mr Nick.
  4. Breads: The “Staff of Life” is an essential Mr Nick’s product. Select daily from freshly hand baked artisan breads including panini, pita, organic sourdough and ciabatta.
  5. Nut Butters: Mr Nick’s range of pure nut butters are all made in store – look for the Mr Nick’s label on jars of freshly ground almond, cashew and the classic peanut butter.
  6. Meat: Mr Nick has had a pivotal role in getting our recipe just right for the enormously popular souvlakia (chicken, lamb and beef) and keftedes (meatballs). Our classic Greek Souvlakia are best sellers at Frewville and Pasadena. Made with Olive Oil, garlic, cracked pepper, fresh and dried oregano, salt and lemon juice, Mr Nick’s marinade is tested regularly by Mr Nick himself making sure it’s authentically Greek.

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