• Frewville
  • Pasadena
  • Foodland

Adelaide's finest supermarkets

You can help Catherine House support South Australian women experiencing homelessness this Christmas, by purchasing an extra item or two and placing these in the dedicated trolleys near the checkout.

Catherine House offers crisis, longer term accommodation and support services for women over the age of 18, unaccompanied by children. They service the whole of South Australia, and are the only dedicated women’s homelessness service in the State. The sharp rise in the cost of living has seen demand for Catherine House’s services recently increase by almost 45%, the highest it has been in their 35-year history.

This food drive will collect much-needed non-perishable items to support the Catherine House Christmas Lunch, as well as provide food to women who have previously stayed at Catherine House and are now living in the community, trying to manage difficult cost of living increases. 

As you enter Frewville or Pasadena, collect the Catherine House shopping list from the decorated trolley near the entrance, or save paper and scan the QR code to access the list. Collect the selected items as you shop, pay for them with your groceries and then place in the trolleys near the checkout and help this amazing charity support South Australian women this Christmas.

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