
The AFS soul is about community and we’ve always believed that bringing and encouraging the entire community with you is a privilege

The Youth Inc. Enterprise Academy

Our family established Youthinc in 2007 and after the first 10 years of delivering employment programs for disadvantaged youth we believed that adding the capacity to deliver accredited South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications was a natural and evolution extension of our footprint.

Youthinc commenced in January 2018 a Special Assistance School that provides the basis of a new and sustainable business model. Delivering a new style, learning model from a purpose-designed ‘enterprise studio’ located in the heart of the Adelaide CBD. The school design is deliberately different. And we are doing this for the simple reason that some young people do not thrive in a conventional or mainstream school setting.

The Youth Inc. Enterprise Academy is a fully registered, independent senior secondary Special Assistance School. We don’t do subjects, or classes, or even classrooms. We do projects and ventures – infused by a strong focus on positive mental health, resilience and wellbeing.

Youth.Inc is a great privilege to have established and supported. We want to continue to develop and encourage capacities to evolve and explore what is possible. Keep doing things that we’re a little not ready to do. It’s how we do things here at AFS.

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